Results for: Uncle Si

Uncle Si’s Favorite Christmas Memory

Watch as Uncle Si Robertson shares his favorite Christmas memory from his childhood. Uncle Si is celebrating Christmas with Operation Christmas Child this year because he wants to help spread the love of Jesus to children all over the world.

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Behind the Scenes with Uncle Si: Tea Cup

Curious about what was cut from the “Pack a Shoebox with Uncle Si” video? Check out this deleted scene where Uncle Si Robertson discusses how much tea he really drinks in a day. Watch the whole video here.

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Behind the Scenes with Uncle Si: Willie’s Old Doll

Curious about what was cut from the “Pack a Shoebox with Uncle Si” video? Check out this deleted scene where Uncle Si Robertson reveals the real reason why Willie loved cabbage patch dolls.

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Behind the Scenes with Uncle Si and Operation Christmas Child

Ever wonder what Uncle Si Robertson is really like? Watch this behind the scenes footage from our Operation Christmas Child shoot where Si packs his first shoebox gift ever.

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Pack A Shoebox with Uncle Si

Watch as Uncle Si Robertson learns how to pack an Operation Christmas Child shoebox. This big kid at heart wanted to help children around the world have a Merry Christmas and learn about the love of Christ.

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Pack A Shoebox with Uncle Si

Watch as Uncle Si Robertson learns how to pack an Operation Christmas Child shoebox. This big kid at heart wanted to help children around the world have a Merry Christmas and learn about the love of Christ.

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Deleted Shoebox Scenes: Cologne

Curious about what was cut from the “Pack a Shoebox with Uncle Si” video? Check out this deleted scene where Uncle Si tries to pack a foul-smelling bottle of cologne.

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Deleted Shoebox Scenes: Action Figure

Curious about what was cut from the “Pack a Shoebox with Uncle Si”; video? Check out this deleted scene where Uncle Si Robertson talks about his favorite wrestling action figure, which suspiciously looks a lot like the “King of Rock and Roll”.

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Build a Box Online with Si Robertson

Uncle Si of Duck Commander, shares in the joy of Operation Christmas Child

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The Power of Prayer

The most important thing you can put in a shoebox is prayer. Watch Uncle Si Robertson pray for the boxes he and his nephew Al Robertson packed for Operation Christmas Child.

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If You Won’t Drink it, Why Should They?

Families in Cambodia and all over the world are suffering from unclean water. Thanks to Bio Sand Filters and Wells, there is a solution to help minimize the sickness these people are experience. Join Turn on the Tap to help provide people all over the world with clean water, just like you drink.

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Alex’s Story

Alex grew up in Rwanda and his grandmother and uncle were killed in the genocide. He then went to live in an orphanage where he received an Operation Christmas Child shoebox gift. This planted seeds of hope and love in his life that later prompted him to accept Jesus Christ as his Savior. In 2010, Alex returned to his orphanage to distribute shoebox gifts to other orphans.

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De Crisis a Servicio en el Suroeste de Florida

Después de su emergencia médica hace un año, Judith no estaba segura si ella iba a volver a tener una vida normal. Este año, milagrosamente, está sirviendo con Samaritan’s Purse después del Huracán Ian.

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Preparing for a Crisis

Watch as Samaritan’s Purse conducts a disaster simulation to better prepare to respond to crises around the world. Volunteers don make-up to look like fake injuries and act like frantic victims to make the training scenario as real as possible.

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Behind the Fury: Tornado Simulation

Get a behind the scenes look at Samaritan Purse’s tornado simulation and learn more about United States Disaster Relief.

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A Story of Simple Gifts

Unlock 20 years of inspiration with Franklin Graham’s new book “Operation Christmas Child: A Story of Simple Gifts” available now at select Christian bookstores and online.

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Singing Amid the Rubble

The 2015 Nepal earthquake destroyed Binay’s home and his dream of singing on the radio. Watch his community and the Samaritan’s Purse team rally to make his life-long dream come true.

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A Small Church With a God-sized Goal

More than Enough: Mark and Cherry never dreamed God would call their small congregation in Wild Peach, Texas to pack 2,000 Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes. But when He did, they faithfully said yes and watched God provide in miraculous ways. Watch as a Small Texas Church Takes on a God-Sized Goal.

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Volunteers from Both Sides of the Shoebox

We arranged a special surprise for volunteers from both sides of the shoebox.

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Both Sides of the Shoebox: Mark and Umale

We arranged a special surprise for volunteers from both sides of the shoebox.

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