Transforming the Lives of Cleft-Lipped Children in South Sudan

Medical Ministries | 5:39 WM-240811_Sudan Cleft Surgeries and Aviation

For many children in South Sudan, suffering from a cleft lip and palate means a lot more than just looking different. These children are often relentlessly bullied, outcasted by society, and can even be neglected by their parents simply because of the condition these kids have endured since birth. In the more remote areas of South Sudan, there are no roads leading to hospitals capable of treating cleft lip and palate, leaving people helpless as they are unable to heal their condition. Samaritan's Purse Mission Aviation Services meets this critical need by converting their DC-3 plane from carrying cargo to transporting multiple families into areas where our nurses can perform cleft lip surgeries to change each child's life forever by curing their condition and allowing each family to hear the Gospel.


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